Kamis, 03 November 2011

Nanotechnology and Energy

Nanotechnology Breakthrough-BreakthroughNanotechnology is the science of design. He is the new science of how to manipulate molecules at the atomic scale. Gerakanlah few atoms around you and you'll get the wood. Movement a little more, and you'll get energy like hydrogen or solar power.Nanotech, or simply abbreviated as "nano", can be used to design new forms of energy or solve problems that would make other forms of energy to be productive, available, or useful.Carbon nano-tubes have special properties, such as, he is a hundred times stronger than steel, but very thin and pliable.Nano tube is also very small, billionth of a meter. He also has a high electrical conductivity and specific. Currently, the nano has been investigated through the investment of more than 3 billion dollars by the government of the United States. More than 20 billion dollars will be invested in the field

These nano during the next ten years.

Nanotechnology plays an important role in the energy crisis because it represents a new strategic platform for running processes that previously could not be done by means of whatwas. No one knows for sure whether this direction will be successful. It is a gamble. Even so, nanotechnology will lead to new energy sources previously unthinkable. Nanotechnology will give birth to an entirely new paradigm of sustainable energy. This is the goal. Nanoenergi will accelerate the effectiveness of solar power, biofuels, geothermal, or hydrogen sources, and will speed up access to renewable sources of this.

Nanoenergi may even produce a cheaper source of energy, including energy sources other new hybrids. In addition, nanoenergi can also accelerate the transition to cleaner energy sources, sustainable, and renewable that offers independence and replace our dependence on oil and gas based energy.

Indeed, there are some risks to be faced in developing nanoenergi. We do not know what it costs, how safe, how difficult or how long he will serve. We have entered into a new scientific domain. Imagination, innovation, and investment in shaping the future, in hopes of finding sustainable energy sources, should be in large numbers. This is the greatest challenge facing mankind today.

Nanoenergi can be divided into four specific domains: logistics, systems, fuel, and raw materials. This is the domain nanoenergi current map that guides the direction of research and development in the field of new technologies. In particular, nanotechnology will impact on the regions incredible fuel and raw materials. Nanotechnology, through raw materials that make up his own, might generate new sources of clean energy and abundant. Energy sources like this will change the world in an instant.

Some oil companies, automobile and others have invested billions of dollars in research and development of alternative energy, renewable fuel and tools. Breakthrough nanotechnology will become a trigger hybrid vehicles, fuel cell and transportation systems and energy solutions. United States Department of Energy has made an important step by investing in the field of nanotechnology, which will help support a variety of investments in the private sector. Cooperation between public and private sectors is needed in global and national levels to create the breakthroughs needed to change the energy balance. If nanoenergi can indeed offer sources of renewable energy in the future, the offer must come from the worksame-cooperation of this kind.

There are many examples of research projects associated with this nanoenergi really promising. Most of these programs funded institutions industry, government, and academia. Even so, the majority of the development of this project is still at an early stage when seenfrom a commercial perspective. Companies such as Daystar, which uses nanotechnology to develop solar power, or Nanomix, which develops storage products nanohidrogen, promising nanotechnology and energy solutions in the future. The risks are the price wasshould we pay to prepare ourselves into the future.

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