Kamis, 03 November 2011

Investment "The Eighth Wonder of the World Is Interest Bearing System".

Investing is risky, but did not invest even more hazardous. "After having surplus funds, we are ready to make investments. Of course, investments are made because there is purpose. In general, the investment objective is to keep watch. Many people say that one certainty in life is uncertainty. Today, people are increasingly aware that the pleasure we experience today may suddenly disappear the next day. Human life is always surrounded by risk, whether mild or major. For purposes of this case we make an investment that is expected if there is something unexpected suddenly equal, in terms of finance, we still have reserves to cope.

The second objective of invesatsi is the benefit. We are investing for the short-term benefit of the increase in value of the amount of funds we invest. For example, if we invested $ 1,000,000, meaning we expect to benefit in the short term, for example by 200,000, equivalent to 20%.The third goal is to beat inflation. If we have funds amounting to 1,000,000, and save it under a pillow, a year later the numbers will remain the same, amounting to 1,000,000. However, the ability to buy from our money will be reduced. Initially, with 1,000,000 cash, we can buy an item, such as rice as much as 125 kg. One year later, when we use the funds for it to buy rice, it was only getting 115 kg. The ability to buy from the same funds are dwindling because of the inflation factor. In this case, there has been an inflation of 8.75%. Within one year, to get as much as 125 kg of rice, needed funds amounting to Rp1.087.500. If we make investments with funds amounting to 1,000,000, it is expected one year ahead, we must develop a minumum of funds amounting to Rp1.087.500 so as not eroded by inflation. Our hope is to get investment returns well above the inflation rate.

The fourth goal is to have a more decent life. Everyone wants progress in life, one of which in private life. If you currently do not have a car, is expected to someday buy a car. If not currently have a dwelling house, is expected to someday buy a house for occupancy. If you do not currently have sufficient funds for recreation, is expected to someday be able to travel to enjoy the beauty of the rest of the world. To realize these goals, one way that can be taken is to invest as early as possible.

The fifth goal is to prepare the pension fund. If someone enters retirement age, meaning he can no longer expect the revenue from the office where he works. So even in the family.Remember, the main purpose of a company is to create profits so that companies do not concentrate on financing the retirees who are no longer productive. Our children were not completely reliable because they have become adults and have to live a life of its own needs and achieve life goals. Therefore, willy-nilly, we must prepare their own funds are required at the time of entry age of retirement. At the age of retirement is, of course, the condition of our body begins to decline so that it appears a lot of unexpected expenses. Therefore, to be able to enjoy sufficient funds at retirement, we should start investing early.Investment Law

Have you ever imagine, if every month we also invested $ 100,000 over 10 years with interest or investment returns by 10% per year, what is the amount that we in the tenth year? The result is 999,999. Obviously, this is a fantastic number considering we only set aside a fund of about Rp3.000 every day. Therefore, it is not wrong if Einstein once said that the eighth wonder of the world is compound interest system. Back in the previous example. Imagine if we set aside greater funds and in the longer term. Of course, we will get more return on investment that fantastic anymore. The results are much higher can we get if we invest in instruments that provide more than 10% interest per year.

From this, we can see, there are at least three investment laws, ie funding, time, and interest (interest rates). The bigger the funds we invest, the higher the investment returns that we dapatkan.Semakin longer we invest, the higher the investment returns we get. The greater the interest rate that we apply to the investment, the higher the investment returns we get. However, specific to this one, we also need to understand that the larger the interest exists, the greater the risk that we will face. In investing, always apply the principle of high risk, high return. We must judge ourselves first, whether we are willing to risk.

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