Kamis, 03 November 2011

Dietary Prevention of Coronary Heart First Step

Advise On A DietCalorieConsumption of calories as needed. If you are overweight, limit the number of calories consumed.Fat• Unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats include two kinds of polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats. Polyunsaturated fat contained in food are of two kinds, namely omega 6 and omega 3. Unsaturated fats have a role as a protector for the blood vessels and lowers cholesterol levels. Therefore, the diet is recommended to use unsaturated fats. Examples of unsaturated oils are olive oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, and soft margarine made from the oils mentioned above. This type of oil can be used to cook food without excessive heat. Unsaturated fats can not stand the heat and the change in temperature over 180 ° C. Therefore, it is not advisable to consume foods that are fried.• Saturated fat. Saturated fat consumption may be reduced as much as saturated fat intake increases the levels of LDL cholesterol. These fats are found in many foods of animal origin, namely meat and egg yolks, as well as the products of certain plants such as coconut oil or regular margarine. In food, there are fats that can be seen and there are not visible. Easily visible fat removed, such as butter, regular margarine, peanut oil, pig oil, part of the fatty meats, processed meats, and others. Fat that is not seen difficult to remove from food. These fats such as found in processed meats, fatty meats, fatty cheeses, cakes, ice cream, chocolate candy, peanuts, walnuts, and so on.• Cholesterol. Some foods rich in cholesterol and should be limited. For example, egg yolks, organ meats (liver, brain, kidney, tongue, etc.), shellfish, meat though (eg sausages, corned beef), fatty meats, butter, cheese, and others.ProteinAnimal proteins are generally more increase blood cholesterol levels than vegetable protein. It is therefore advisable to eat more vegetable protein diet in order to succeed.CarbohydrateThere are two kinds of carbohydrates, namely simple carbohydrates (simple carbohydrate) and complex carbohydrates (complex car-bohydrate). Raw foods contain simple carbohydrates are sugar, brown sugar, honey, jam, chocolate candy, ice cream, soft drinks (soft drinks), syrup, setup fruit, canned fruit, dried fruit, and other products that use pure sugar Raw foods contain complex carbohydrates such as rice, noodles, sweet potatoes, cassava, potatoes, bread, sago, and others.In hypercholesterolemia consumption of simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates do not cause interference. But of course should not be excessive, especially if overweight. When the excess weight, rapidly absorbed carbohydrates, which is pure sugar, should be reduced and the consumption of sugar is slowly absorbed (bread, starchy, and tubers) should also be restricted.In hypertriglyceridemia, simple carbohydrates should be avoided because these foods will be rapidly absorbed, so it will quickly raise blood sugar levels. High blood sugar is converted and stored in the body as fat / triglycerides. Meanwhile, there should be complex carbohydrates in the diet in limited amounts, especially if overweight.

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